WAP in JavaScript to accept two numbers and perform addition of two numbers by using mouseover event

Add Two Numbers in JavaScript Here is the simplest JavaScript code to add two numbers. var numOne = 10; var numTwo = 20; var sum = numOne+numTwo; As you can see from the above three lines of JavaScript code. The value 10 gets initialized to numOne. So numOne=10. And the value 20 gets initialized to numTwo. So numTwo=20. Now the statement, numOne+numTwo or 10+20 or 30 gets initialized to sum.

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Create a form in HTML to input personal details like Name, Address

An HTML form is used to collect user input. The user input is most often sent to a server for processing. The <form> Element The HTML <form> element is used to create an HTML form for user input: The <form> element is a container for different types of input elements, such as: text fields, checkboxes, radio buttons, submit buttons,

Create a form in HTML to input personal details like Name, Address Read More »

WAP in JavaScript to Convert the given String touppercase()

This tutorial will teach us to convert the string into the upper case touppercase(). In many governments, websites users have seen while filling forms, characters are automatically converted into upper case to avoid any mistakes. It needs to do because JavaScript is a case-sensitive language, and if the user adds some characters in lower case

WAP in JavaScript to Convert the given String touppercase() Read More »

HSC IT 2022 Paper Pattern and syllabus

While studying for the exam HSC IT students should look through the exam pattern because it will help them improve their time management abilities. Paper Pattern for HSC Information Technology (IT) Maharashtra Board new syllabus 2022-23 Terminal Exams – (Information Technology -Science -Total Carry [80 MARKS] QUESTIONS QUESTION TYPES NO OF QUESTIONS TOTAL MARKS Q1 Fill

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