Complex number and sum || EXP-6 || CS-1

write a program in C++ with a complex constructor to add the given two complex numbers. The program should print the given complex number and their sum.

class complex {
	float x, y;
	complex(float real, float img)
		x = real;y = img;
	complex operator+(complex);
	void display(void);
complex complex::operator +(complex c)
	complex t;
	t.x = x + c.x;
	t.y = y + c.y;
	return (t);
void complex::display(void)
	cout << x << "+j" << y << "\n";

void main()
	complex c1, c2, c3;
	c1 = complex(2.5, 3.5);
	c2 = complex(1.6, 2.7);
	c3 = c1 + c2;
	cout << "c1=";c1.display();
	cout << "c2=";c2.display();
	cout << "c3=";c3.display();

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