HSC CS Important Questions – Data Structure

hsc cs maharashtra board important questions

HSC CS Important Questions for the data structure. These questions are very important for Chapter 2 in part 1 Maharashtra Board Computer Science.

The total weightage of this chapter is 17 marks.

  1. Explain the binary search algorithm with a suitable example
  2. What is Binary Tree? Draw the Tree diagram for the expression. 
    B = (3R -5T)2 – (R + Q3)
  3. Write two features of each data structure
    a) Record b) linked array c) linked list d) pointer array
  4. Explain the memory representation of the linked list with an example
  5. What is an array? write an algorithm for traversing the linear array
  6. What is data structure? Explain linear data structure and non-linear data structure
  7. Define the following terms
    a) Group item b) elementary item c) entity d) root e) leaf f) sibling g) depth f)array g)pointer array h)tree i) binary tree j)extended binary
  8. what is a binary tree? suitable examples show the relationship between the total number of nodes and the depth of the binary tree
  9. what is recorded? explain how records are represented in memory using an array
  10. Explain with a flow chart
    a) Iteration logic b) selection logic c) sequence logic
  11. Explain two features of the bubble sort algorithm
  12. Difference between linear search and binary search
  13. state algorithm for inserting an element in the array
  14. explain with a suitable example how the tree can be represented in memory
  15. write an algorithm to find the smallest element in an array

In the data structure, most questions on memory representation and binary search algorithms are asked.

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