Hsc cs Important Questions – Instruction Set and programming Of 8085

cs chapter 2 important questions

These Hsc cs Important Questions are very important for HSC students of Computer Science. The instruction set and programming of 8085 this CHP have the highest weightage in CS part 2.

The last question for 5 marks (a total of 2 questions) is coming from this chapter only. So Hsc cs Important Questions help you to cover.

You have to be good practice 8085 instruction sets and neat labeled diagrams of 8085 mentioned below. don’t forget to prepare last moment notes for the following questions. It will really help you a day before the exam.

Hey there, it’s your friendly neighborhood computer engineer, Vinit Pandey! I’m the mastermind behind smmwizardpro.com and edu4maharashtra.in – websites so cool they’ll make your head spin. And if you’re not following me on Instagram at vinit.bro, well, let’s say I am missing you their.

So if you want to level up your tech game, just hit me up. I promise I won’t bite – unless you’re a computer virus, in which case I’ll destroy you faster than you can say “blue screen of death.”
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Q1 Explain the conditional CALL instruction of Intel 8085
Q2 Draw the labeled internal block diagram of the 8085 Microprocessor
Q3 Explain the following instruction with a suitable example (99% for 3 marks–Any 3 will come)
3) DAD
4) DAA
6) CMC
7) RAR
8) XRA M / XRA C
9) SUB C
10) CMA
12) INR A
13) CMP C
14) LDA
15) SHLD addr
16) RRC
17) PUSH
18) RST
19) LXI H
20) CLK (OUT)

Q4 Explain the following (99% for 3 marks–Any 3 will come)
1) Machine Cycle
2) Instruction Cycle
3) T-states
4) Accumulator
5) Program counter
6) Stack Pointer

Q5 The accumulator in 8085 microprocessor contains data 71H and register E contains data 39H. what will be the contents of an accumulator in Hexadecimal after the execution of the following instructions independently
a) ADD E
b) ORA E
c) RRC

Q6 8085 Programs

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