HSC IT 2022 Paper Pattern and syllabus

While studying for the exam HSC IT students should look through the exam pattern because it will help them improve their time management abilities.

Hey there, it’s your friendly neighborhood computer engineer, Vinit Pandey! I’m the mastermind behind smmwizardpro.com and edu4maharashtra.in – websites so cool they’ll make your head spin. And if you’re not following me on Instagram at vinit.bro, well, let’s say I am missing you their.

So if you want to level up your tech game, just hit me up. I promise I won’t bite – unless you’re a computer virus, in which case I’ll destroy you faster than you can say “blue screen of death.”
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Paper Pattern for HSC Information Technology (IT) Maharashtra Board new syllabus 2022-23
Terminal Exams – (Information Technology -Science -Total Carry [80 MARKS]

Q1Fill in the Blanks1010
Q2State True or False1010
Q3Multiple Choice Single Answer1010
Q4Multiple choice Two correct answer1020
Q5Multiple choice three correct answer26
Q6Match the following44
Q7Answer Briefly ( Any 5)810
Q8A. Write a program using Html
A. Write a program using HTML
Q8B. Write a program using Html
B. Write a program using HTML

Practical Paper Pattern for HSC IT Maharashtra Board Exam 2022-23

1) HSC Board Practical Examination duration will be 3:00 hrs
2) SOP’s given in the IT Textbook/Journal
3) Total of Two SOP slips of different skillset should be given to the student at the time of the HSC Board Practical Examination
4) Out of Which student can perform ANY ONE of his/her Choice
5) 15 Marks for the practical examination and 5 Marks for the Certified Journal which is a Total of 20 Marks for the Practical Examination

Code carries5
Correct typing and syntax of the program5
Execution of the program error-free3
Printout of the output of the program2
Completed Certified Journal with Timely Submission5

HSC IT Syllabus 2022-23 Maharashtra Board

1Advanced Web Designing2025
2Introduction to SEO1012
3Advanced JavaScript1520
4Emerging Technologies1012
5Server-Side Scripting(PHP)1515
6E-Commerce & E-Governance1012

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